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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Celebrating the Buddhist New Year

Thursday, I stopped by Mahnin's to visit my friend, Pimpa. While I was there, I found out two things: one, that Saturday (today) is Pimpa's birthday and two, that Saturday (today) is the day many Buddhist countries celebrate the New Year. I was invited by Mahnin to return on Saturday and have some traditional Burmese food eaten only on New Year's Day. My attendance was pretty much guaranteed when she looked at me and said, "You come. You no pay."

I am very adventurous when it comes to traveling and eating. There is almost nowhere I wouldn't like to visit and almost nothing I wouldn't like to try tasting. It sometimes happens (like it did after I tried the traditional offal (pronounced AWFUL by me) soup served on Easter morning in Greece) that I say to myself, "Well.... I'm very glad for the experience I just had. Now, I shall never have to do it again!"

Here is what was served to me this afternoon...

If that looks like a bowl of white rice swimming in water, that's because that's EXACTLY what it is!  And the rice and water are cold!  Let me repeat and clarify: This is a bowl of plain boiled white rice served in a bowl with cold water poured over it.  And to go along with this "festive" dish, I was served a small dish of yellow split peas and some sort of stew made from onions and dried fish (like salt cod,maybe?)

I'm proud to be able to add to my list of experiences eating traditional Burmese food on the Buddhist New Year, and I'm glad I will never have to do it again!

In spite of the fact that it is her birthday, Pimpa looked very sad today.  I hope she knows that she is loved and I hope her day gets better.  Happy Birthday Pimpa!

Pimpa with a customer/friend

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