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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Monday, June 7, 2010

What I've been doing instead of blogging......

I can't believe that it has already been over a week since I last blogged.  Where is my time going?  I set out to find the answer to this question and here's what I've been able to come up with....

1.  Reading .....well, no surprises there, I guess.  Since my last blog, I finished The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, I read The Second Opinion by Michael Palmer, and I've started The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  I enjoyed The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo so much, that I got on Amazon.com and ordered the second book in the trilogy, The Girl Who Played With Fire. 

2.  Cooking .....  If you follow The Cooking Curmudgeon then you already know that I joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) group.  This has been great stimulus for my cooking creativity.  I'm not by nature very creative in the kitchen, although it seems like I am because I like to try new things.  But typically, I pick a recipe, gather the ingredients, make the dish.  Now, I'm planning meals around the produce I get in my weekly sack.  It's actually a lot of fun!

3.  Pottery ....  I've started taking a pottery class.  It meets on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  Day 1, I pretty much sucked.  Throwing pottery is a lot harder than it looks!  Whenever you see a skilled potter working at a wheel, the clay just seems to respond obediently to the tiniest direction.  But for me, it was a messy misery!  After three hours, I was covered from head to toe in wet clay and all I had to show for it was one miserable, lopsided, thick-walled midget of a pot.  Here's a picture of me wedging my clay.  (You wedge clay almost the same way you knead dough.  You do this with the lump of clay you are going to throw.  It's a process that is supposed to remove air bubbles from the clay.)

4.  Adoption ....  This has been the real time-sucker!  I've gotten involved in helping with another adoption.  This time, I've matched two little girls whose mother died from injuries sustained in the earthquake in Haiti, with a family in South Whitley.  The girls are 2 and almost 4 years old and so cute, it makes my heart hurt!

If you know anything at all about the long, rough road I traveled the last time I helped with an adoption, you're probably just as shocked as I am to find out I'm doing it again!  I will probably be making a trip down to Haiti before the end of the summer with the adoptive parents to get the initial paperwork filed in Port-au-Prince.  Adopting from Haiti is NOT for the faint of heart!  It takes faith, hope, love, and tenacity!  But mostly, TENACITY!

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