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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Out with the old (list), in with the new!

I think it might take me 60 years to declutter what it's taken me 47 to collect.  I've only made it through one small box in the last two days.  Here's why.  I have to read every scrap of paper and look at every picture and find a legitimate"home" for every item I decide to keep.  One thing I found is a list I made several years ago.  Across the top of the page is written "Things to do before I turn 50".    The list contains such lofty goals as "learn to dance salsa", "get my pilot's license", "learn Italian".  There are 10 such ridiculous things listed, not a single one of which I have even begun to do.  Rather than be a complete failure when I arrive at 50, with 2 1/2 years left to go before the big day, I've decided to make a new list.

Things to do before I turn 50

1.  watch all the Monty Python movies in a single sitting.  (preferably in Arizona, at my friend Tim's, with an endless supply of "homemade" popcorn)
2.  buy a fancy hat and wear it somewhere in public
3.  get something free through a masterpiece of complaining (saw this one on someone else's list and thought it sounded fun!)
4.  make friends with a complete, random stranger
5.  write and mail a letter to the President of the United States
6.  learn 10 words in Italian
7.  visit California (this is cheating a bit since I already have plans to attend my girlfriend's wedding on 10-10-10!)
8.  try some weed (could probably get some from my sister, or my daughter......)
9.  Memorize "The Raven" and recite it to an audience
10.  learn to write with my left hand.

Yes..... as I review this list, I think it is definitely more doable than the first list I wrote.  I might even start on #9 yet today!

I'm taking a break from "decluttering" because I'm getting ready to try a somewhat involved recipe for roasted vegetable enchiladas.  Spent the last two days gathering all the ingredients!  Needed to make a trip to the Mexican grocery store for poblano chilies (these will be roasted and ground with spices for the enchilada sauce) and the chayote squash as Scott's doesn't carry these "exotic" things.  But already had the dried ancho chilies and chipotles in my pantry.  Other vegetables to be roasted include butternut squash and mushrooms. 

I made Thai fried rice on Wednesday and thought about my ex-pastor and his wife the whole time.  Seemed like a recipe they would like; seasoned with curry powder and fish sauce and studded with cashews, shrimp, pineapple, raisons, peas, and red peppers.  And although the ingredient list seemed a bit lengthy, the whole thing came together very quickly in the end.  Next time, I'll make the rice a day ahead and use fresh pineapple instead of canned. 

Last night, I tried a couple of Greek recipes.  One was for Avgolemono soup (lemon soup).  I already have a pretty simple recipe for this which I love, but this recipe was a bit hardier.  It contained chicken and chopped up veggies as well as a sprinkling for fresh dill.  The other recipe was for Garides Tourkolimano (a shrimp dish).  This was o.k. but I've decided to never use frozen, thawed shrimp again.  The shrimp was mushy!  (If you are interested in these recipes, I got them from closetcooking.blogspot.com)

In other news, I lost three pounds of hair yesterday (no, I didn't shave my legs!).  I took a one-day break from yoga for a 9:00 hair appointment.  I'm very happy with the results and think it makes me look younger.  It's odd how "looking" younger makes me feel younger.  Felt full of energy and happiness all day yesterday!  I'll post a photo later if I can find time in my busy, productive day to take a picture!

Sorry for the boring post, but felt I needed to get something new on my blog before my "followers" wandered away out of boredom. 


  1. Oh goody! Something to do while I'm waiting to be taken out to dinner!
    My thoughts on your list of things to do before 50:
    1. Monty Python runs a close second behind Woody Allen for me. Watching all of them would be like dying and going straight to hell! -(course popcorn with Tim might bump it up to just purgatory)
    2. Make sure it's red. That way you can join the old women's Red Hat Society in 2 and a half years and not have to spend money on another hat (you'll still need to buy the purple dress though).
    3. Sounds like a Costanza specialty! .."you want a Christmas card? You want a Christmas card?! HERE'S YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD!"
    4. I'm sure our mother could give you some pointers in this area.
    5. Well I hope you have better luck getting an answer from the president than I had in getting one from the Governor.
    6. Well here you go, learn this: "I'ma going to make you an offer you can't refuse"
    7. Been there! :) (can't believe I've actually been somewhere you haven't been!)
    8. What-friggen-ever. I've never smoked in my life and you know it! Okay, yeah, I have lambs quarters out back. - great little weed that cooks up just like spinach!
    9. I have the great illustrated version you may borrow... good luck with the "audience" thing though.
    10. You're kidding me? Isn't that like a 4th grade feat? What happened to laser surgery?

  2. To improve your chances of success, maybe you should combine some of them. Might I recommend you wear the hat, and recite the raven to an audience, shortly after trying weed??

    OK, enough about you....My blog entry for the day on your blog:

    1. Had a fabulous white pizza this evening.
    2. Read more of Machinery's Handbook, and need to check a couple more things before closing out the day.
    3. Microwaved a Mrs. Callender's Beef Pot Pie for lunch today. She nailed it! Wow.
    4. Recommended to my Neice that she read "War and Peace" to solve her problem of a lack of things to do. I've never read it, but I hear it's good stuff.
    5. Thought about making a list of things to do before I turn 50, then checking them off to see if I completed it before the deadline in 2005.
    6. Added Rice-A-Roni to my shopping list.
    7. Worked very hard today and shipped six orders.
    8. Spent some time wondering why Jen would want to be "close...behind [a] Woody".
    9. Decided to start randomly using the word "nevermore" in conversation.
    10.For no reason at all I wondered what ever happened to Lenore Stroup, a girl I knew from grade school. Hope she's not lost.

  3. You are a beautiful woman if I may say. And you cook also! Lucky is that husband of yours.

  4. hmmmm..... I think I know who left this anonymous comment. Thank you! (and I LOVE to cook, as well as eat!)
