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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Monday, April 26, 2010

One woman's battle with the sock-eating monster.....

Since the beginning of the 20th century, when the first in-home washing machines were being invented, something has been eating socks.  Although socks are made in pairs, this mysterious sock-eating monster only has appetite for one of a kind.  It never eats both socks.  Over time, this leaves the washer-person with a pile of pairless singles.  I know I am not the first person to notice this as I have read many articles and heard many people mention this phenomenon.  The problem got so bad in our home, that about a decade ago, my husband announced that he was taking over the washing of his own laundry.  He was convinced that the missing sock problem was directly related to a flaw in my laundering technique.

This problem has plagued me for years and over time, I began a practice of saving the un-matched sock in a plastic sack along with other un-matched socks.  Then, once every couple of months, I would dump the sack out and look for matches.  Every now and then, I'd manage to match up one or two pairs but never more than that.  After a long length of time had passed, I would eventually dispose of the sack and start the whole procedure over.  But I was always baffled by the idea that somewhere in my house, there should be an equal-sized pile of missing socks.  Where in the world were these socks going?  SERIOUSLY!  Where?  WHERE??!!  I could understand if one or two remained missing...... but a couple of pounds worth?  They would be taking up some serious space somewhere and search as I might, I could never find them.

Three months ago, I bought a package of six pairs of socks and I determined, most definitely, that these socks would never lose their partners.  I have been diligent!  Before throwing them down the laundry chute, I fold them together.  I take them apart as I put them in the washing machine.  I remove them to the dryer with the utmost care.  And once the dryer shuts off, I immediately carry them to the bedroom and match and fold them.

Occasionally, it has happened that one goes missing.  When this happens, all other household life grinds to a halt while I search for the missing sock.  I look in the interior corners of both the washing machine and the dryer.  I retrace my steps from the laundry room, searching the floor for the escapee.  I pick up and shake each article of clothing that was in the dryer, looking at the front and back in case a sock is clinging there.  And I have always been successful in finding the little rascal.  Until last month.

A black sock went missing and I went high order looking for it!  I spent two hours searching the basement and the bedroom.  When none of my regular procedures produced the missing sock, I started in with drastic, ridiculous measures.  I moved my bed away from the wall, in case the sock had tumbled there when I threw my laundry pile on the bed.  I retraced my steps from the basement looking under furniture in case it had managed to drop and roll.  I pulled the washer and dryer out from the wall thinking maybe it had jumped loose when I was removing the laundry from the washing machine and putting it in the dryer.  I even looked down the walls of the laundry chute, thinking maybe it was clinging to the wall there in spite of the fact that I had a clear memory of unfolding the pair when placing them in the washing machine.

I eventually had to give up.  The sock was nowhere to be found.  I now had proven to myself that there was indeed some sort of supernatural, unexplainable phenomenon going on related to socks and laundry and I left the newly single sock laying on my dresser as a reminder.

This morning, I decided to wear a sweater as there is a bit of a chill in the air.  As I was pulling my purple sweater jacket on, my hand hit an obstruction half-way through the right sleeve.  Baffled, I removed my hand and looked inside.  Guess what I found all scrunched up and hiding INSIDE the arm of my sweater?  Finally reunited, the pair of them is on my feet as I sit and type this post.

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