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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A picture perfect day.......

If I were going to special order a day for myself, I'd start by waking up in my own bed after a good night's sleep.  The day would be filled with sunshine and bursting with spring.  The morning would be carefree, and I'd treat myself to a walk outdoors and let nature entertain me.

Then I would head downtown and have lunch at my favorite place with one of my favorite friends.

I'd have a hard time deciding what to order since everything on the menu is delicious.  But I'd probably end up with combination stir-fried rice noodles.

or maybe, I'd have pork fresh noodle soup........

After lunch, I'd wander around downtown and enjoy the sights and sounds of spring in the Fort.

I'd definitely want to visit the beautiful downtown Cathedral.  It's a stunning and awe-inspiring structure sitting on Calhoun St. in the heart of downtown Fort Wayne.


Then, I would climb the hill at the reservoir and see what the city looks like from up there.

Before going home, I'd treat myself to a Fort Wayne tradition.

Once I arrived home, I'd eat supper, take a hot bath, and snuggle down in bed to watch House and 24 (because, of course, it would be Monday night).

Wow!!! What do you know?  I just described the fabulous day I had yesterday!


  1. hmm...whatever will you do tomorrow??
    Wanna know what I'm gonna do? ....push a rock, push a rock, pushin this rock, push a rock, move the rock, push the rock, pushin, pushin' pushin'.......

  2. p.s) Great pictures!!

    p.s.s) What the heck is an "inglum" and why do I have to verify the spelling of it to post to your blog?

  3. My gosh, I have done most of the same things, except not all in one day. (Even pushed a rock or two!)When I was about 16 yrs old, I used to stop, look, listen and even pray in that Cathedral...mostly b/c I felt my church was against such worldly places and I thought they were not quite on target with that teaching. Thanks for sharing the perfect day with thoughts and pictures. The last picture is enough to get me up and moving southwest!!!
