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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Not Good News

Yesterday, I got the news I've been waiting almost four years to hear; an answer from the Gates Foundation about our grant proposal.  It was a "no."

I wasn't too surprised, since nothing financially ever seems to work out for me or my family.  But, it was the end of a dream (sometimes, you can't help dreaming......)

Now, I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do next.  I had kind of put my life on hold while I waited to see what would happen with the grant.  In addition to helping thousands of young people in Haiti, the grant would have provided me with a job I love.  We Americans certainly have a lot of "rights," but a guarantee for a job we love, isn't one of them!  And it looks like I'll be back to office work or burger flipping!

I'm sitting on our deck overlooking the Pacific ocean, listening to the waves crash onto the shore.  As soon as Eddy wakes up, we are leaving Oregon and heading to Napa Valley.  So what am I whining about?  This has been a great vacation so far.  We spent a wonderful couple of days in Seattle with good friends, Mary and Jeremy.  Their baby, Gavin, is a delight!  In addition to making friends with Gavin, we sure ate some good food; Indian, Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese.

I'm not really in much of a blogging mood.... but it has been so long since my last post, I just wanted to put a little something down.  More later.....

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