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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Friday, April 15, 2011

From 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.

It's been almost three weeks since my new sleeping schedule has kicked in. For some reason, I wake up around 3:00 every morning and remain awake until 5:00 or so. I don't know what to do with myself during this time. Sometimes, I get up and wander around; sometimes I get online and surf the web or check my email and the stats on my internet sites; sometimes I search for something to watch on t.v; sometimes I'll read. I've even tried using this awake time to pray, but find my mind wanders just as much during these wakeful hours as it does at other times of the day. It's very hard for me to focus. I think my brain is turning to mush. I'm looking for suggestions on what I can do with these middle-of-the-night wakeful hours.

The book I'm currently reading (Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis) is taking me on an exciting journey and giving rise to many intriguing questions. While I wait for your suggestions on how to spend my sleepless hours, let me share a couple of things I've been pondering during the past few nights:

1.) If God exists, and if He's all powerful, why doesn't He erase the past? I'm unhappy with the idea of anyone having to spend any time at all (let alone all of eternity) suffering in a place like hell. I would think this bothers a loving God even more! Obviously, things didn't work out so great this time around. Why not turn back the hands of time and start all over with a new and better plan? (Albeit, this pondering identifies "God" as the conflicted, loving/vengeful "God" profiled in Christianity.)

2.) If someone is completely delusional, mad as a hatter, but totally happy, wouldn't it be o.k. to just leave them alone and let them live in their delusional world? For example, if someone is dressed in tatters and living in a junkyard, drinking dirty water and eating grass and berries; but believes she is dressed in fine clothes, living in a palace, drinking the best wines and eating exotic delicacies; isn't that alright? As long as she's happy and poses no threat to anyone else, why not let her live and be happy? A random question, I know. But I've been wondering about society's definition of mental health and our fear of anyone who sees things a bit differently or seems a bit strange.

Another thing I've been doing during the night is spending time on the "Playing for Change" website. This is a great site that is working to connect the world through music. Check out this inspirational video of Bob Marley's Redemption Song.

At a lunch I attended yesterday, we spent some time discussing the fact that every known society, past and present that has lived on the earth, has developed two things: music and religion. It seems we humans are intrinsically wired for both. This leads me to believe that both music and the Creator somehow exist at the very core of the universe and we, as humans, have a longing to connect to both.


  1. Music definitely is core. Creator? I dunno.. somethings created the Universe I suppose... if it exists. Do we exist? But I've often wondered how it is that we poo poo the idea of many gods. Why? I think a single god is a lonely proposition. Why not many? Makes WAY more sense to me. Yin and Yang....at least. But whaddo I know. I can only see a small part of the elephant, and I think it's like a tree... not wait... a rope... no, then again, a fan... or wait.. maybe a snake... Oh my head.

    Back in time? Do OVERS! Maybe we DO do this Marialyn! Or maybe we ARE doing it. I'm probably making the same f**king mistakes, though.

    Hey, what a great website!! Why didn't ya post this on fb! Redemption Song is one of my favorites... and then they do one of my other favorites... Stand By Me!! Wow oh wow oh wow!!

    Sleep? You wake at 3 am.... ? suggestion? Make some food. Bring it to me. Keeps you busy, useful. I'm just sayin....

  2. Sleep problems, sounds like menopause!! try biodentical progesterone and exercise. That has helped me; also meditation.
    I think one God that everyone in the world describes in their own way.
    You screw up, you screw up...why should you receive redemption. There are different types of "hell"; we stick with it till we get it right! We are responcible for the choices we make in life--why should they be erased? But if we learn from our mistakes then we move on. It's a progression of consciousness...it's up to us to learn how to progress forward.
    As you know, mental health is my field. In our society if we don't follow the "norm" and/or cause problems then we are forced into treatment. Many times this is warranted as others get hurt or their rights are infringed upon. Therefore, if the "sick" person has learned that they don't do these 'hurtful' things when their chemical imbalance is corrected; then it is their responcibility to maintain their internal chemical balance. But if a person is happy and not really bothering anyone,I agree they should be left alone. In a lot of cases, who's to say what "normal" is...
