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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Monday, November 28, 2011


I've been gone for a while, now I'm back.  That's all I'm going to say about it.

Coming out of the Thanksgiving season, I can't help but reflect on the things I'm thankful for.  I hate sounding like just one of the thousands with this, but here I go anyway.  Of course, I'm thankful for family first and friends a near second.  Besides those obvious things, here's a list of some other things I'm thankful for:

1.  Charity.  And by that, I mean the desire of some people to reach out a helping hand to those who need it, even though they are not required to do so.

2.  Variety.  In cultures and personalities.  In landscapes and weather.  In all the five senses.  Truly the spice of life.... I love that everything I put in my mouth tastes different than every other thing.  I love that there is still a world of flavors that I have yet to experience.

3.  Beauty.  Wow!  The kids and I spent a week at Lake Superior and I just could not stop marveling at the beauty of nature.  There is so much beauty in the world, it takes my breath away.  From the tiny to the majestic.  Earlier this year, while mushroom hunting, I came across a tiny, bright red bug smaller even than the head of a pin.  The color was stunning!  And I still have a vivid visual memory of the sun rising over the top of Mount Everest, a sight I haven't seen in over thirty years but can still enjoy every time I close my eyes.

4.  Music.  It can generate almost any emotion in me at any random time.  (By the way, anyone looking for a Christmas present for me might want to consider Bach 2000, the Complete Edition.  This is a collection of all Bach's works on 155 CDs.  Just thought I'd throw that out there!!)

5.  Capitalism.  Long may she live!!

6.  Laughter.  My sister is the biggest giver of this gift.  Almost everything she says and does makes me laugh!

7.  Comfort.  I'm thankful for comforting things, like hot bubble baths; electricity; heat in the winter; AC in the summer; private transportation; pillows; mugs of spicy, sweet chai;  hugs; a roof that doesn't leak......

8.  Freedom.  For the most part, I do what I want when I want.  It's a beautiful thing!

9.  The Internet

10.  Sunrises and Sunsets.  Sunrises because every day is a chance for a new beginning, filled with promise and hope.  Sunsets because they signal a time for quiet reflection and relaxation.  And both because they are so beautiful.

I would love to hear one or two things you're thankful for!

Sunrise over Lake Superior


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