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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Update on our family and friends in Haiti

Eddy and I have been so encouraged by the show of support and concern we have received from so many people regarding our family and friends in Haiti. As you know if you have been following the news at all, the digicel tower (main wireless provider in Haiti) is down preventing communication. Even should the tower be restored, there is no electricity so people will not be able to charge their phones. Although some people have been able to communicate through the internet, we have not had any communication from any one this way.

We believe that it could be several weeks before we know the situations of our various friends and family members. We anticipate that once communication has been reestablished, we will be inundated with calls for help.

Typically make a trip down to Haiti sometime in February. I have not made a final decision about that trip for this year. I will be collecting donations for earthquake relief and even if I do not make the trip personally, the aid will be distributed as needed.

There are many ways that you can contribute to help Haitians affected by the earthquake. Our ministry has been helping the people of Haiti for 8 years to be self sufficient through micro-loans for businesses, educational grants, training and in some cases, to meet emergency needs. We are operated completely by volunteers so we have zero administration costs. If you would like to donate through our ministry, you may send your donation to:

Haiti Mustard Seed Ministries
6404 S. Calhoun
Fort Wayne, IN 46807 (please specify earthquake relief in the memo line)

If you would like to donate through a larger organization, the Red Cross has made it very simple to donate. Simply text the word "Haiti" to 90999 and $10 will be charged to your phone bill and sent to Haiti.

Lutheran World Relief is another excellent relief organization which will let you donate directly for this cause. In past disasters, 100 percent of donations have gone directly to the cause; their average administration costs have been 8 cents on every dollar donated.

A simple google search will turn up many more organizations accepting donations to help earthquake victims in Haiti.

Please keep Haiti in your prayers. The Haitians are a resilient people and filled with faith, but this is going to be a very, very difficult time for them.

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