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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Trudging along......

Usually, I finish a book in anywhere from two to four days (depending on how busy I am and how long the book is).  But I've been trudging through Night Train to Lisbon for over two weeks now.  I was so excited about reading this book because I had read such good reviews on it.  It's the type of book that you read slowly because it's filled with ideas that generate reflection.  But after two plus weeks, I was only on page 197 of a 438 page story and really struggling to make myself continue.  I hate giving up after investing so much time, it almost feels like I'm giving up one of my children for adoption (o.k.... maybe not QUITE like that).  But last night, I finally made the decision to put this one aside and start something new.  Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay grabbed me by the throat and hasn't let go!  A much faster moving plot, filled with emotion and I'm beside myself with worry for the little boy locked in the cupboard!  (want to know what I'm talking about?  go read the book!)

The last few days have been good, but COLD!  Being unemployed has many advantages. You can stay inside and snuggle up with a good book and a cup of tea or a glass of wine (depending on the time of day) and not have to worry about bundling up in winter garb to scrap ice of your windshield.  You can eat breakfast at 10:00 and lunch at 11:00.  You can take a nap 1:00 and play on the computer all afternoon.  But then, there is that money problem....... Always a fly in the ointment.

I don't know how it happened, but somehow I fell off the "decluttering" train and I plan to climb back on tomorrow.  I'm writing it here so I'll feel pressured to do it.  Other things on my list for tomorrow are, make an eye appointment, memorize stanza two of The Raven (got the first stanza down Saturday) and finish Sarah's Key.  Here's hoping it's a good day!

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