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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Filthy Liars

Ten months pregnant.  With twins.  That's what I look like.  For months now, I've been watching in amazement as my stomach has grown and grown.  Considering that my food consumption and level of inactivity has remained constant, I'm baffled as to what is causing my stomach to expand.  I wonder if it could be "middle-age?"

Everywhere I turn, I hear folks claiming that simply walking briskly for a short period of time every day, will take the weight off.  As my countdown to 50 is rapidly decending, I decided it was now or never.  My goal is to have the weight off by the time I hit that momentous number.

I started going to the Y.  I drag myself there every morning, six days a week, and walk briskly for 2 miles.  Sweat trickles down my sides.  My heart thuds in my chest.  My joints ache.  But still, I carry on.  And after one entire month, here's what I've discovered.  They are all filthy liars!  Everyone who claims walking is a painless and sure-fire method to lose weight is a filthy liar!

I haven't lost one pound!  The only change between now and one month ago is that my favorite time of day has now become my most dreaded time of day.  I used to love getting up early, sipping a cup of coffee while the rest of the household slumbered, leafing through a cookbook or reading a book.  Now, I can't wait for 11:00 to roll around when I'll be bathed, dressed, and finished with the morning's torturous routine.

And while my mornings are ruined by self-inflicted physical abuse, my stomach continues to rise from my frame like a freshly popped pan of jiffypop popcorn.

It's very discouraging!!!!

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