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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Most Honorable Face

Today, I learned that I have a most honorable face.  I learned this from Venerable Saddha.  He is a Buddhist monk.  I stopped by his temple early this morning and was invited into the temple where he shared many, many things with me about life.  At the alter sat a large, golden statue of the Buddha.  He was surrounded by smaller statues and decorations of bright colors.  The floor was covered with oriental rugs of varying sizes.  Benches lined the walls and there was an alter along one wall that had glass jars of colorful incense.  The room was large and airy; very peaceful and relaxing.  I could see why people would come here to meditate.

Venerable Saddha kept asking me if I had any questions.  I kept saying "no."  He seemed a little disappointed that I didn't have any questions and he encouraged me several times to ask questions, declaring that he has many, many answers.  He showed me pictures from his travels and even gave me one of him taken in Thailand with an important political figure.  When a Buddhist monk gives something to a woman, he is not allowed to give it directly into her hand.  He either must place it on a table or the floor for her to pick up, or drop it from above into her two outstretched hands.

He also gave me a medallion with a picture of the Buddha on it which, he assured me, would keep me safe from harm.

Everybody I met at the temple was very friendly.  They all encouraged me to come back any morning and meditate with them.  They also gather every evening around 6:00 and enjoy music and dancing.  I was invited for this also.

At the end of our time together, Venerable Saddha told me that I had a most honorable face and that I should run for mayor.  He assured me that if I would run for mayor, he would guarantee the backing of the entire Thai, Lao, and Burmese communities.

I was invited to come back in the afternoon to eat.  They told me that there would be lots of food.  I am not the type to let any invitation involving food go unanswered!  So, I went back around 1:00.   They did indeed have lots of food!  I felt a bit awkward though as I seemed to be the only white person there and I wasn't sure what the procedure was for obtaining food.  There were several long tables filled with pans of food and ladies behind the tables were busy frying and cooking even more food.  Music was being played from under a large, open party tent while men sat around drinking beer and children played in the sand.  I sat by myself at a long, empty table and watched the goings-on while my stomach rumbled in loud competition with the music.  Finally, I screwed up my courage and approached the food tables.  What had I been worried about?  The ladies were thrilled to talk with me and gave me samples of their food.  I ended up with a plate of fried fish and another of prawns.

All in all it was a very interesting day and I have to say, I am considering their suggestion that I run for mayor. At least it's a paying job!

1 comment:

  1. With such support, you'd be a shoe-in! You could not only change the political face of Fort Wayne, but the culinary one as well! I like that idea!
