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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Through the Looking Glass.....

I feel like I've stepped through the looking glass.  Last week was my birthday and for the first time in 49 years, my dad gave me a card (which he bought himself!) and a present.  And also, for the first time in 49 years, I got neither a card nor a present from my mom.

This is a very strange way to start my 50th year of life.  I'm expecting that anything at all can happen from here on out.  Things I thought I knew for sure, I may find out are nothing but lies.  Right might become wrong, while wrong may suddenly seem right!  I've already discovered that eating less and exercising makes me gain weight.  And other topsy-turvy things are happening.  For example:

  • my husband lost his job and instead of the increased financial worries placing stress on our marriage, we seem to be growing closer as we spend our days together
  • my son landed a full-time job and now, each morning he heads off to work while Eddy and I hang around the house
  • we've been without power four times in the last month and a half and I'm not even in Haiti!  I had a phone conversation with Dadou, my friend in Haiti, a couple of weeks ago.  I was sitting in the semi-dark surrounded by candles while he was watching t.v.  How backwards is that??!!  
With just one year left until 50, I decided I should pull out my list of "things-to-do-before-turning-50" and see what kind of progress I've been making.  I have completed numbers 4, 7, 8, 9, and begun work on 10.

Number 4 I took care of while eating one day at Mahnin's.  A lady came in who seemed a bit unsure of herself.  I was eating alone and invited her to sit at my table with me.  We visited over lunch.  I found out that she goes to Broadway Christian Church and knows several people I know.  I shared my samosas and shrimp rolls with her and we had a nice time.

Number 7 was a lot of fun.  Eddy and I did indeed attend my girlfriend's wedding in CA and we also drove down the coastline from Seattle, WA, through Oregon, through the Redwood Forrest, attended a taping of Jeopardy, and finally landed in Newport Beach.  It was great fun!

Number 8 did not go so well.  I did not feel happy or euphoric but rather ended up nauseous and with a terrible headache.  Won't be doing THAT again!

Number 9 I took care of back in December when I threw a party and made everybody sit and listen while I stood and recited the Raven (with only a few prompts from Eddy) start to finish.

Number 10 I work on a bit every now and then.  I'm actually doing pretty well with my left hand!

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