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Wife of one. Mother of two. Sister of three. Just trying to get it all figured out before it's too late!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Girl, You Have Put on Some WEIGHT!!!

It happened three days ago as I was leaving the bank.  I ran into a woman I use to work with and whom I haven't seen in about five years.  I recognized her immediately (she looks exactly the same as last time I saw her.)  As I yelled out her name and waved at her enthusiastically, she stared at me blankly.... with no clue as to who I was or why I was yelling at her.

After several prompts from me, it finally dawned on her who I was.  She grabbed me up in a big embrace and as she hugged me, she placed her mouth near my ear and said, "Girl!  You have put on some weight!"  What could I do but admit that I had?

She held me at arm's length and said, "Oh!  You used to be so thin!  And I always loved your long hair.  But.... you still looking alright."

Can someone please tell me what the appropriate response is to THAT?

Well, I'll tell you what MY response was.....  From the bank, I got in my car and drove straight to the grocery store to pick up a month's supply of Slim Fast.  As I drove, I figured out my new diet plan.  Slim Fast twice a day (for breakfast and lunch) and a sensible dinner, with small but healthy snacks in between.

Decided to try and make a slushy by blending it with ice

Thought if I poured it in a pretty glass, I'd feel more satisfied.  WRONG!
I've put on 1.6 pounds since then and gone to bed hungry the last two nights.  Today, I decided to change it up.  My new plan is to drink a fruit slushy for breakfast (I read the label on that Slim Fast and found out that it contains sugar and 50 of the calories come from FAT!  Not only that, but it doesn't even taste good!) have my biggest meal of the day at around 1:00 and then have a low-fat yogurt, some fruit, and a handful of nuts for supper.  I plan to continue to eat small, healthy snacks throughout the day, like a small piece of fruit, a nibble of low-fat cheese, or a handful of raw nuts.

Today, I took advantage of my sister's crazy obsession.  In addition to chickens, she's obsessed with her ginormous garden.  She and her husband planted a garden this year that could feed a small village!  I'm thrilled with her obsessions; her chickens keep me in cage-free eggs and her garden is helping to feed my family.  Last week she gave me some collard greens, Swiss chard, peppers, mint, basil, green beans, cucumbers, and the very first tomato from her garden!  When you combine her obsession with mine (cooking), here's what you end up with:

Indian spiced green beans

Collard paratha (Indian bread made with collard greens)

Raita with fresh cucumbers and tomatoes

Today's sensible meal
I suspect that I will not be losing any weight.  But at least I'll be eating good!

P.S.  If you'd like the recipe for the delicious green beans, click here!


  1. What the.......?!! I'm cooking the same vegetables and none of mine look anything like this!!! How bout I grow the vegetables and give them to you and then you cook them and give half of them back to me?!

  2. The food looks scrumptious! I prefer that, but I like the Slim Fast, so bring it on...I'm still trying to lose weight.

  3. As posted on FB: Long ago I discovered the same thing [I don't stop gaining weight]. I also discovered that after faithfully taking the obligatory blood tests every year since I turned fifty, everything is in line. My cholesterol is right on the mark: 160, 105 good. My other levels are great. After eating salt to my hearts content all my life, I sometimes have low sodium. When I don't have low sodium, I am on the very low end (turns out my mom is the same way). Screw 'em. I eat and I'm happy.
